Our mission at NRPC is to
'Present Christ to everyone and present everyone mature in Christ'.
Which just means we want to reach out to our community with the message of Jesus Christ and also build each other up through the message of Jesus Christ. It's just another - simpler - way of saying we exist to edify and evangelise, which is what any church should be about. Our simple goal is expanded in a Vision Statement and Strategy.
Our Vision
As God's servants and in response to all that God has done for us in Christ, our vision, is to be a vibrant, loving, Spirit filled church family, who are soundly based on the Word of God and committed to....
Our Strategy
Evangelism (Proclaiming the gospel to unbelievers = "to present Christ to everyone")
Our church family seeks to effectively reach people of all ages and backgrounds in the Nambucca Valley with the gospel of Jesus Christ by:
being prayerful in evangelism and committed to praying for the unsaved in our communities.
having each member be equipped and performing a role, according to their gifts in the evangelistic ministry of our churches;
having church services and preaching so that church members feel comfortable about inviting their friends, who do not know Jesus, to church, knowing that over time they will develop an understanding of the gospel;
having specific times in the year which are dedicated to evangelistic outreach through:
Evangelistic church services
Evangelistic meetings held in a social context
Team missions
That each member be encouraged to be involved in personal evangelism in their lives, ie. neighbours, friends, work colleagues etc
That our churches be supporting, both financially and prayerfully, the work of missions both here in Australia and overseas.
Edification (Teaching believers to live out the gospel = "to present everyone mature in Christ")
1. Church services: that there will be church services where the Scriptures are clearly explained and which are culturally sensitive to the various groups within our community.
2. Small groups: that a network of smaller groups be effectively operating within the church for the purpose of teaching the Bible on a more personal basis, encouraging one another in godliness, praying for each other, and caring for practical needs;
* Bible and prayer groups (eg. mixed, male/female)
* Aged-based groups (eg. youth, seniors, children, young adults)
3. Special events: specific times in the year dedicated to teaching events;
4. One to one discipleship: of believers for Christian growth, encouragement and accountability.
5. Encouraging our church family to be disciplined in the areas of personal Bible reading and prayer.
Equipping (Training and building up believers to do the work of ministry, both evangelism and edification)
Our church seeks to equip its members to do the work of gospel ministry and provides opportunities for this to happen, encouraging suitable people to use their gifts in service, by:
1. Training members in:
* Evangelism;
* Following up new Christians
* Bible study leadership
* Preaching and leading services
* Children's ministry (ie Sunday School, kid's talks, etc)
* Youth ministry
* Other relevant areas
2. Trained members training others in the above areas so that equipping is ongoing.
What we Believe
Theologically we are a Reformed Evangelical church. Our core beliefs are....
We believe in the divine inspiration and infallibility of Holy Scripture and its supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.
We believe there is one God in whom there are three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe the Lord Jesus Christ is the eternally existing, only begotten Son of the Father, conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary.
We believe all people are sinful by nature since the Fall and are thereby justly subject to the judgement of God.
We believe that salvation from the penalty of sin is found only through the substitutionary atoning death of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is by his one true sacrifice that we can have forgiveness of sin and receive the gift of eternal life.
We believe in the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.
We believe it is the Holy Spirit who convicts people of sin and brings them to faith and repentance. Only through the work of the Holy Spirit is the believer able to live a holy life that is pleasing to God.
We believe in the one holy universal church, the body of Christ, to which all true believers belong.
We believe the Lord Jesus Christ will return in person and that he will then bring the full consummation of the Kingdom of God.
These 8 statements are a summary of Evangelical or Biblical Christianity and carry no specific authority. The official statement of faith for the Presbyterian Church of Australia is the Westminster Confession of Faith.